ONLINE bellydance classes with Serena Ramzy

Mere informasjon og timeplan HER Classes are done via Zoom. Links will be sent to the email you subscribe with - monthly subscription Access to the link of the recording for a limited time. If you join later in the month, you still receive the recorded session you have missed. YOU CAN CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ANY

ONLINE programs with Khalida Livestreamed sessions - recorded sessions - download instructional videos Khalida on Facebook

ONLINE-courses with Nesma (Spain)

The Arab & Oriental dancing style teached by a great expert. Technique, combinations, arms, hands, interpretation and choreography workshops.

ONLINE and IN CLASS COURSE: Mahmoud Reda Dance Legacy by Nesma

Madrid ,Spania

Mere informasjon på nettsiden til Nesma In this course organized by levels Nesma teaches the Reda technique, step by step, with its own methodology that results from many years of experience in collaborating with the teacher, teaching his technique and representing his choreography with her company. In-Class The face-to-face workshops are organized by module on

SIOD Online School

Online bellydance choreographies, technique courses and theory lessons from the best teachers 100 + teachers 200 + Bellydance Lessons Kazafy: Egyptian style pop song ★ Style: Pop song ★ Teacher: Kazafy (Egypt) ☆ Course length: 1 hour and 50 min ★ Dance length: About 3min and 40 seconds ☆ Expiration date: 730 days after purchasing

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